
This glossary includes most relevant terms used in this handbook. First version of the glossary was created during the development of the ‘Wildlife and Traffic’ handbook (Action COST 341) and it has been expanded with contributions from partners of the project Horizon 2020 ‘BISON’. Terms definitions are provided by legal texts, reference documents or by agreement between experts from both ecology and infrastructure. The organisations IENEPIARC, UIC, and ISO have also assisted and will contribute in future updates.

Last update: October 2023 – How to cite

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There are currently 18 names in this directory beginning with the letter B.
Balancing pond
Artificial water body fed by storm drains and surface runoff, where pollutants from the road can settle out or filter through reeds before being released into the wider drainage system.
Any structure that restricts or prevents the movement of flora or fauna.
Barrier effect
The extent to which linear infrastructure features prevent, or filter animal movement. It is a combined effect of traffic mortality, physical barriers and avoidance, which together reduce the likelihood and success of species crossing infrastructure.
Before‐After‐Control‐Impact (BACI)
Study concept design in which data is gathered before and after infrastructure or infrastructure mitigation measures are constructed. This data from areas with infrastructure or mitigation measures (impact) is compared with data obtained from areas without infrastructures or mitigation measures (control).
Horizontal ledge in an earth bank or cutting constructed to ensure the stability of a steep slope. See also ‘Earth berm’.
Best practice (BP)
A superior or innovative method, process or technique that contributes to the improved performance of an asset, activity or organization and is usually recognised as ‘best’ by peer organizations. See also ‘Good Practice’.
The richness among living organisms including terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are a part. It includes diversity within and between species and within and between ecosystems as well as the processes linking ecosystems and species. Synonym: ‘Biological diversity’.
Biodiversity baseline
Specific species, habitats or ecosystems, and ecosystem services occurring at a project site, their current condition, and trends before a project commences.
Biodiversity targets
Measurable, actionable, and time-bound objectives, based on the best available science, that allow actors to align with Earth's limits and societal sustainability goals.
Biological diversity
See ‘Biodiversity’.
All organisms in a community or area.
Area which has a characteristic set of environmental conditions and is inhabited by a specific community of living organisms.
Defined area (e.g. habitat corridor or patch) which, due to the presence of linear transport infrastructure or other land use, has become a limiting factor to animal migration or dispersal.
Cuttings of woody vegetation (often left in a pile, or randomly scattered across infrastructure verges).
Buffer zone 
Vegetated strip of land intended to protect sensitive habitats, e.g. protected sites, from impacts such as pollution or disturbance from infrastructure.
Buidling Information Modelling (BIM)
A digital form of construction and asset operations. It brings together technology, process improvements and digital information to radically improve client and project outcomes and asset operations. BIM is a strategic enabler for improving decision-making for both buildings and public infrastructure assets across the whole life-cycle. It applies to new construction projects; and crucially, BIM supports the renovation, refurbishment, maintenance and decommissioning of the built environment – the largest share of the sector.
Business Processing Modelling
Consists in modelling the workflow which have to be managed during the project life-cycle. In particular, these models can describe actor interactions, data life-cycle and interoperability management.
Highway route that passes around a congested town, village or other sensitive/vulnerable area.